Shadowdark Hero


Drake, River

Although the glistening scales and sleek, fin-like wings on these drakes give them an appearance reminiscent of river fish, they are actually distant relatives of the dragons that rule the oceans.

HP: 11
AC: 11
MV: near
S: +1
D: +2
C: +1
I: -1
W: +1
Ch: -1
1 bite +1 (1d4) or 1 caustic mucus (near) +2 (1d4 acid)
Speed Surge. The river drake is able to move twice in one turn once a day.

Hound of Tindalos

Ancient texts refer to these relentless temporal hunters as the Hounds of Tindalos, yet they never seem to explore what Tindalos actually is...

HP: 17
AC: 15
MV: near
S: +2
D: +3
C: +1
I: +0
W: +1
Ch: +0
2 claw +2 (1d6) or 1 bite +2 (1d8)
Otherworldly. Immune to charm and morale checks.
Ripping Gaze. The hound's eyes glow balefully, causing painful but bloodless wounds to rip open all over the creature's body dealing 2d8 damage.
Time Sensitive. The hound is a superb hunter of those that use time altering magic, ADV on checks made to find such individuals.
Angled Entry. The hound casts Dimension Door spell, but it must transport itself into a space adjacent to an angle of 90º (or more acute) in the structure or environment around it.

Woe Strider

Cosmic blasphemers transform into hunched, long-limbed horrors. These sadistic things seek ways to reweave themselves into the tapestry of destiny.

HP: 27
AC: 17
MV: near
S: +4
D: +2
C: +3
I: -1
W: +2
Ch: +2
2 claw +4 (1d8) or 1 disrupting screech
Otherworldly. Immune to charm and morale checks.
Disrupting Screech. The woe strider's open mouth creates an area of antimagic, disrupting spells and magical items a like as they become useless. Effects all within far range for 3 rounds.

Yellow Musk Creeper

A yellow musk creeper is an unholy vine whose flowers resemble an orchid's. Bright yellow with splashes of purple, these flowers expel a musk that attracts prey.

HP: 19
AC: 10
MV: close
S: +1
D: -4
C: +1
I: -5
W: +1
Ch: -4
2 tendril (near) +1 (1d8)
False appearance. While the creeper remains motionless, it's indistinguishable from an ordinary flowering vine.
Yellow Musk. The creeper’s flowers release a strong musk that charms close humanoids. A DC 12 Wisdom saving throw is needed to resist the charm, if charm the humanoid slow walks towards the creeper and nothing else. Lasts 5 rounds.