Shadowdark Hero



Class: Wizard
Duration: 1 day
Range: Close

You touch one object, such as a door threshold, setting a magical alarm on it.

If any creature you do not designate while casting the spell touches or crosses past the object, a magical bell sounds in your head.

Burning Hands

Class: Wizard
Duration: Instant
Range: Close

You spread your fingers with thumbs touching, unleashing a circle of flame that fills a close area around where you stand.

Creatures within the area of effect take 1d6 damage. Unattended flammable objects ignite.

Charm Person

Class: Wizard
Duration: 1d8 days
Range: Near

You magically beguile one humanoid of LV 2 or less within near range, who regards you as a friend for the duration.

The spell ends if you or your allies do anything harmful to the target.

The target knows it was magically charmed after the spell ends.

Cure Wounds

Class: Priest
Duration: Instant
Range: Close

Your touch restores ebbing life.

Roll a number of d6s equal to 1 + half your level (rounded down). One target you touch regains that many hit points.

Detect Magic

Class: Wizard
Duration: Focus
Range: Near

You can sense the presence of magic within near range for the spell's duration. If you focus for two rounds, you discern its general properties. Full barriers block this spell.

Feather Fall

Class: Wizard
Duration: Instant
Range: Self

You may make an attempt to cast this spell when you fall.

Your rate of descent slows so that you land safely on your feet.

Floating Disk

Class: Wizard
Duration: 10 rounds
Range: Near

You create a floating, circular disk of force with a concave center. It can carry up to 20 gear slots. It hovers at waist level and automatically stays within near of you. It can’t cross over drop-offs or pits taller than a human.

Holy Weapon

Class: Priest
Duration: 5 rounds
Range: Close

One weapon you touch is imbued with a sacred blessing. The weapon becomes magical and has +1 to attack and damage rolls for the duration.


Class: Priest, Wizard
Duration: 1 hour real time
Range: Close

One object you touch glows with bright, heatless light, illuminating out to a near distance for 1 hour of real time.

Mage Armor

Class: Wizard
Duration: 10 rounds
Range: Self

An invisible layer of magical force protects your vitals. Your armor class becomes 14 (18 on a critical spellcasting check) for the spell’s duration.

Magic Missile

Class: Wizard
Duration: Instant
Range: Far

You have advantage on your check to cast this spell.

A glowing bolt of force streaks from your open hand, dealing 1d4 damage to one target.

Protection from Evil

Class: Priest, Wizard
Duration: Focus
Range: Close

For the spell’s duration, chaotic beings have disadvantage on attack rolls and hostile spellcasting checks against the target. These beings also can’t possess, compel, or beguile it.

When cast on an already-possessed target, the possessing entity makes a CHA check vs. the last spellcasting check. On a failure, the entity is expelled.

Shield of Faith

Class: Priest
Duration: 5 rounds
Range: Self

A protective force wrought of your holy conviction surrounds you. You gain a +2 bonus to your armor class for the duration.


Class: Wizard
Duration: 5 rounds
Range: Close

One club or staff you touch becomes hard as iron. The weapon becomes magical and damage rolls have advantage for the duration.


Class: Wizard
Duration: Instant
Range: Near

This spell fills a near-sized cube extending from you. Choose a number of living creatures in the area up to your level. Those creatures fall into a deep sleep if they are LV 2 or less. Injury or vigorous shaking wakes them.

Turn Undead

Class: Priest
Duration: Instant
Range: Near

You rebuke undead creatures, forcing them to flee. You must present a holy symbol to cast this spell.

Undead creatures within near of you must make a CHA check opposed by your spellcasting check. If a creature fails by 10+ points and is equal to or less than your level, it is destroyed. Otherwise, on a fail, it flees from you for 5 rounds.