Shadowdark Hero



Class: Wizard
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: Near

You conjure forth a thick, sticky substance on the ground. All creatures within close of the target area must make a DC12 dexterity check or be unable to move for the spell's duration.

Upon stepping on to the substance the same check is needed in order not to become stuck.


Class: Priest
Duration: 10 rounds
Range: Near

You bolster the resolve of a target within near. For the spell's duration the target gains 4 temporary hitpoints and advantage on morale checks.

Air Walk

Class: Wizard
Duration: Focus
Range: Close

You begin to walk on air as if it's solid as the ground. You walk at half speed and are unable to run while the spell is maintained.

Chilling Touch

Class: Wizard
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: Close

Your hand forms a layer of ice as you reach out. Touching a target deals 1d4 cold damage. Additionally the target must make a DC12 constitution check or become weakened.

Divine Favor

Class: Priest
Duration: Instant
Range: Near

You grant the favor of your god to a target within near. On their next damage roll, roll with advantage.

False Life

Class: Wizard
Duration: 10 rounds
Range: Self

Incantations bolster your physical form. Roll a number of d4s equal to half your level (rounded down) and apply that as temporary hit points for the spell's duration.


Class: Priest
Duration: Instant
Range: Near

Upon citing a prayer to your god grants blessings to you and your allies while also condemning those who stand against you.

Allies within near gain advantage on their next attack roll or spell check.

Enemies within near gain disadvantage on their next attack roll or spell check.

Purify Food and Drink

Class: Priest
Duration: Instant
Range: Close

With a touch, food and drink becomes consumable again to grant nurishment. Removes poison and rot from food and drink.